Inner Court Relations -

Mattea Ezgar

Ellis Lindsey

This committee consists of one past reigning monarch and one board member, they receive compliments, complaints and presents them to the board with recommendations for moving forward.

Commendations, recommendations, complaints please address to the following confidential email and it will be address by this committee and presented to the board at the monthly board meeting.

PLANNING Committee

Michael Keith Lee
Rosio de la Rosa
Cseneca St. James
Ellis Lindsey
Isabel Ramos
Jean Batt
Kitara Vaniva
Michael Battiato
Randy Velasco- Stoll
Raquel Santiago

Consists of Reigning Monarchs/ICP/ICPS and any board member who wants to be involved and any court member. The purpose of this committee is to brainstorm, discuss event ideas and manage the logistics of presenting a successful event.

Membership Acquisition Committee

Mattea Ezgar
Isabel Ramos
Michael Battiato
Kitiara Vaniva
Jean Batt
Raquel Santiago

This committee consists of Board members who are interested in growing community participation in the organization functions and future. The purpose of this committee is to research, gather data for the growth of the membership in the organization.

Constitution and By-Laws

Michael Battiato
Kitara Vaniva

Three seats available on this committee

Consists of current board members interested in updating and maintaining the constitution and By-laws of ISE. The purpose is to maintain and update the constitution and By-laws of ISE and report to the Board of directors any and all changes needed.